PEDS-R® - Introduction to developmental screening

2 modules


Catherine Archer

27 Jun 2024



This course provides an introduction to developmental screening and developmental screening tools. Many practitioners who work with young children and their families have extensive knowledge of developmental screening. For others this topic will be new. However, this is important information for all practitioners as it underpins much of your work. Early detection of developmental concerns, through the use of developmental screening tools, is essential to making a difference to the health and wellbeing outcomes of children. The earlier the intervention to treat developmental concerns the more likely the intervention will be effective.


You'll learn:

  • the importance of the early years in a child's life and the need to support the early detection of developmental concerns.
  • the background and rationale of population surveillance and developmental screening.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate PEDS-R® - Introduction to developmental screening

Module 1.1 Introduction to developmental screening
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Module 1.2 Introduction to PEDS-R®
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Added about 11 hours ago, by Melissa
Added 2 days ago, by Fiona
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Added 9 days ago, by Melinda
Added 16 days ago, by Milika
Added 18 days ago, by Natalie
Added 23 days ago, by Krystal
Added 24 days ago, by Rylee
Added 28 days ago, by Meagan
Added 29 days ago, by Jennifer

MCRI training eLearning portal

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